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Be Aware of Dates

  Medjool Dates Dates are highly nutritional and really excellent to eat!  Dates contain:  Calcium Potassium Copper Iron Magnesium Vitamin B6 Fiber Protein Natural sugar Really a nice addition to my hot cereal in the morning! But where there is natural goodness there is also natural degradation. Watch your dates. Open up each and every date before eating. Why? Some dates may have had bugs.  You can see where a bug has been in the date and may still be there. There are small granules inside the date next to the seed. Buggy Medjool date. I have not found very many buggy dates, but it's good to check anyways. Then we have a date that may contain Black mold. I have had this happen more than once.  Black mold is caused from wet growing season, I believe. When you open up the date, the mold will be seen right next to the seed. Black mold in Medjool date. This photoh has been reconstructed to share what Black mold may look like. Black mold may make you feel sick if eaten.  Dates of all ki

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